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Abbott World Marathon Majors Wanda Age Group Championship Qualifier
Wanda Age Group World Championships Qualifier
We are excited to announce our partnership with the Abbott World Marathon Majors Wanda Age
Group World Championships with our 2020 Miami Marathon & Half Marathon produced by Life Time®
being recognized as a qualifying race!
The spread of the selected marathon events that are part of the AbbottWMM Wanda Age Group
World Rankings creates a truly global series throughout the year, giving runners across the world the
chance to be part of a new era of age group marathon running.
Participants in an AbbottWMM Wanda Age Group World Ranking qualifying race will earn points
according to their age, time and gender, aligned with the following age groups for men and women:
40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80+.
The qualifying period runs from Oct. 13 2019 – Oct. 11, 2020 (AbbottWMM Series XIII) – a one year
cycle for participants to earn two qualifying times and a place at the AbbottWMM Wanda Age Group
World Championships in 2021 (venue to be announced next year).
The Abbott World Marathon Majors (AbbottWMM) is a series of six of the largest and most renowned
marathons in the world – Tokyo Marathon, B.A.A. Boston Marathon, Virgin Money London Marathon,
BMW BERLIN-MARATHON, Bank of America Chicago Marathon and TCS New York City
Marathon. For more information, visit www.Abbottwmm.com