Welcome to the 2025
Finish Festival
Please review all important details below and submit your Finish Festival Exhibitor Information Form at the bottom of this page by THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2024.
If you do not submit the completed Finish Festival Exhibitor Form by this date, we cannot guarantee your booth space equipment or your preferred load-in/out date/time.
Saturday, February 1, 2025
12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Sunday, February 2, 2025
3:30 AM to 5:30 AM
Sunday, February 2, 2025
After 1:00 PM
All exhibitors must wait until the close of the Finish Festival (1:00 PM) to begin load out.
• Set-up is from 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 1 and from 3:30 a.m. – 5:30 a.m. on Sunday, February 2.
• All vendors should be “race ready” by 6:30 a.m. on Sunday. If Sunday setup is necessary, we advise arriving prior to 5:00 a.m. Plan for heavy traffic. We request that all vendors remain set-up and interactive until 1:00 p.m.
• Reach out to Karissa to be directed to your booth space on-site.
• Assigned parking details will be sent race week.
• Load-in – Short term parking is available to drop items for load-in. See directional map below. You must stay parked on the concrete near the fountain for unloading. Please bring the vendor parking pass which you will receive via email.
• Upon arrival at the park, please contact Karissa. You may begin loading your materials to your space. Life Time will have load-in assistance available on a first, come first serve basis for heavier equipment and materials.
• Once your materials have been unloaded, vehicles will need to be moved to the vendor parking lot.
Parking information for Finish Festival Exhibitors will be made available closer to race weekend. A parking pass will be emailed to you.
For additional parking needs we recommend using lots operated by the Miami Parking Authority or the garages at American Airlines Arena and Bayside Marketplace. Street parking is at your own discretion. Miami Marathon and Half Marathon is not responsible or liable for your parking. Please be sure not to leave valuables in parked cars.
Exhibitor’s materials must fit within the booth size and may not obstruct walkways, general view, and other exhibitors. This will be strictly enforced. Any special booth construction must be submitted for prior approval. Subletting of space is strictly prohibited. Exhibitors may not use space for any other reason without prior written approval by Life Time. Exhibitors must remain open at all times during Finish Festival hours.
Products with the event logo, name, etc. may not be sold, displayed or distributed without prior written approval from Life Time. Management reserves the right to restrict and remove any product it deems objectionable (includes products, persons, objects, conduct, etc.) for health, safety or other reasons. This may include products in conflict with sponsors.
Life Time staff reserves the right to restrict and remove anything that has not been pre-approved.
Exhibitors are responsible for transportation of equipment, materials, etc. and for any incidentals not included in the booth package, such as parking, power, ice, etc.
All discarded materials should be picked up, bagged, and placed along the curb or within provided trash/recycling receptacles. We appreciate your support of our green initiatives.
Power for your booth is available via generators onsite with a cost of $50. Orders must be placed via the form below and Life Time will invoice exhibitors. Availability is not guaranteed on-site if your order is not secured in advance.
Refrigeration is not available on-site. Exhibitors may purchase and bring their own ice; however, ice is also available to purchase via Life Time at a cost of $10 per 40 lb bag. Orders must be placed via the form below and Life Time will invoice exhibitors. Availability is not guaranteed on-site if your order is not secured in advance. Exhibitors are responsible for storing their own ice.
Exhibitors are not permitted to sell, serve or distribute any food or drink without prior written permission from race management.
Day and overnight security will be in the park. However, Life Time is not responsible for vendor materials. Vendors are responsible for securing all valuables. Life Time is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen property.
Exhibitors agree to comply with local, city and state laws, ordinances and regulations. Exhibitors are responsible for all fire precautions.
• Move-out for vendors at the Finish Festival on Sunday will begin at 1:00 p.m. Assistance with moving of heavier equipment and materials will be provided by Life Time Staff.
• Day and overnight security will be in the park.